Sunday 22 August 2010

A strange coincidence

We were very surprised! Why? Well, it turns out that Laura’s friends who are JETs, Clare and Andy, have become friends with my old schoolmate Sebastian, who is also a JET. Laura was showing me the photos that Clare and Andy had uploaded, and I happened to spot that Seb was included in Clare’s list of friends. That’s right, Laura’s JET friends are friends with my JET friend! What a shock! It turns out that they all went on their orientation together, and they’re staying in touch with each other during their year. Wow!

The photos that we looked at were very exciting. Clare and Andy are based in Hokkaido in the far north of Japan. One set of photos took us through the fun and games that went on during their initial ice-breaking activities, camping on the shore of a lake with lots of other JETs. Sock war! Chubby bunnies! It looks like a right hoot. We also saw some photos around their home in Asahikawa Their accommodation looks great. I expect we’ll get plenty more updates from them as we continue our preparations.

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